The Habitantes live among us; they inhabit the water, the land, the air, the fire, and the time; they watch over our lands and our Blue Agaves. They are present at every stage of tequila production.
The wisdom of the Habitantes comes from ancestral knowledge intertwined with the vitality of innovation, which has allowed us to combine modern and traditional methods inspired by creating unique tequila profiles.
Meet the Habitantes, the guardians of tequila.
Habitantes of the Agave Fields.
Amidst dreamy landscapes, the Habitantes care for our day laborers, jimadores, and our Blue Agaves, enriching the fertile soil with nutrients, creating the perfect setting for a great start.
Habitantes of Agave.
The Habitantes are in charge of watching over the growth and development of our Blue Agaves through the years until the moment when they are ready to deliver their greatness.
Habitantes of Fire.
A tireless force, the Inhabitants of Fire give the Blue Agave its extraordinary power, igniting a profound transformation by extracting its sweet sugars.
Habitantes of Tradition.
The Habitantes have accompanied each generation of artisans, channeling the wisdom of ages linked with modernity, capturing it in our Tahonas to obtain the sweetness and preciousness of the Agave.
Habitantes of Serenity.
An extraordinary change unfolds before our eyes: exposed to the Amatitán air, the Inhabitants breathe life into the Agave juice, transforming sugar into alcohol in our fermentation tanks.
Habitantes of Copper.
In the copper stills, the Habitantes distill the soul of the Blue Agave, patiently waiting for the essence of the Agave to emerge in a new and inspiring form: tequila.
Habitantes of Time.
The Habitantes embrace the gentle rhythm of time, knowing that every precious thing comes in its time. Tequila rests patiently in American and French oak barrels, giving birth to new aromas and flavors.
At each stage of the Tequila-making process, the Habitantes provide their care and knowledge so that Tequila continues to captivate consumers worldwide.